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become abusive

  • 1 become abusive

    English-Dutch dictionary > become abusive

  • 2 become abusive

    ponerse abusivo, decir groserías, empezar a decir groserías.

    Nuevo Diccionario Inglés-Español > become abusive

  • 3 abusive


    abusive language — Beleidigungen; Beschimpfungen

    become or get abusive — ausfallend werden

    * * *
    adjective (using insulting language: He wrote an abusive letter to the manager.) beleidigend
    * * *
    1. (insulting) beleidigend
    \abusive language Beleidigungen pl
    \abusive phone call obszöner Anruf
    to become \abusive [to sb] [jdm gegenüber] ausfallend werden
    2. (maltreating) misshandelnd attr
    \abusive parents Eltern, die ihre Kinder missbrauchen
    * * *
    beleidigend; (PSYCH) person, relationship abusiv

    abusive languageBeschimpfungen pl, Beleidigungen pl

    children from an abusive homeKinder pl, die zu Hause missbraucht werden/wurden

    to be/become abusive (towards sb) — (jdm gegenüber) beleidigend or ausfallend sein/werden

    he muttered something abusiveer murmelte etwas Beleidigendes

    to get abusive ( towards sb) — (jdm gegenüber) beleidigend or ausfallend werden

    * * *
    abusive [əˈbjuːsıv] adj (adv abusively)
    1. Missbrauch treibend
    2. missbräuchlich
    3. beleidigend, ausfallend:
    abusive language Schimpfworte pl, Beleidigungen pl, ausfallender Ton;
    abusive letter Schmähbrief m
    4. verkehrt, falsch
    * * *

    abusive language — Beleidigungen; Beschimpfungen

    become or get abusive — ausfallend werden

    * * *
    beleidigend adj.
    schimpflich adj.

    English-german dictionary > abusive

  • 4 abusive

    - siv
    adjective (using insulting language: He wrote an abusive letter to the manager.) ofensivo, injurioso, ultrajante
    1 (insulting) injurioso,-a, insultante
    abusive [ə'bju:sɪv] adj
    1) abusing: abusivo
    2) insulting: ofensivo, injurioso, insultante
    abusively adv
    abusivo, -a adj.
    injurioso, -a adj.
    insultante adj.
    ofensivo, -a adj.
    adjective insultante, grosero

    to become abusive — empezar* a soltar groserías

    1) (=offensive) ofensivo, insultante; [language] lleno de insultos, injurioso

    to be abusive to sb — ser grosero a algn, decir cosas injuriosas a algn more frm

    2) (physically) [person] que maltrata; [relationship] de malos tratos
    3) (sexually) [person] que abusa (sexualmente); [relationship] de abuso sexual
    4) [practice] abusivo
    * * *
    adjective insultante, grosero

    to become abusive — empezar* a soltar groserías

    English-spanish dictionary > abusive

  • 5 abusive

    1) (rude) [ person] offensivo (to nei confronti di)
    2) (insulting) [ words] ingiurioso, oltraggioso
    * * *
    adjective (using insulting language: He wrote an abusive letter to the manager.) ingiurioso
    * * *
    abusive /əˈbju:sɪv/
    1 offensivo; ingiurioso: abusive language, insulti (pl.); linguaggio offensivo; to become abusive, cominciare a lanciare insulti
    2 violento; che usa maltrattamenti
    3 (leg.) scorretto; illecito: abusive commercial practices, pratiche commerciali scorrette
    FALSI AMICI: abusive non significa abusivo abusively avv. abusiveness n. [u].
    * * *
    1) (rude) [ person] offensivo (to nei confronti di)
    2) (insulting) [ words] ingiurioso, oltraggioso

    English-Italian dictionary > abusive

  • 6 abusive

    adjective (using insulting language: He wrote an abusive letter to the manager.) žaljiv
    * * *
    adjective ( abusively adverb)
    zloraben, neprimeren; zmerjalen, zmerljiv, žaljiv, obrekljiv
    abusive language — zmerjanje, psovanje, psovke

    English-Slovenian dictionary > abusive

  • 7 abusive

    abu·sive [əʼbju:sɪv] adj
    1) ( insulting) beleidigend;
    \abusive language Beleidigungen fpl;
    \abusive phone call obszöner Anruf;
    to become \abusive [to sb] [jdm gegenüber] ausfallend werden
    2) ( maltreating) misshandelnd attr;
    \abusive parents Eltern, die ihre Kinder missbrauchen

    English-German students dictionary > abusive

  • 8 abusive

    adj. grof; misbruikend
    [ əbjoe:siv]
    verkeerd corrupt
    1   become abusive beginnen te schelden
    2   abusive practices corrupte praktijken

    English-Dutch dictionary > abusive

  • 9 abusive

    [ə΄bju:siv] a նախատական, հայ հոյա կան, վիրավորական. abusive language հայ հոյանք, հայհոյախոսք. վիրավորանք. become abusive սկսել վիրավորել/հայհոյել

    English-Armenian dictionary > abusive

  • 10 become

    გახდომა, გამოხდომა (უხდება); შეფერება
    ●●it ill becomes you to say that ამის თქმა არ გეკადრება
    to become mute დამუნჯება, გაჩუმება
    she has set her mind on becoming a dancer გადაწყვიტა, მოცეკვავე გამხდარიყო
    I have a plan, whereby we shall become rich მე მაქვს გეგმა, რომელიც გაგვამდიდრებს.
    the situation has become complicated სიტუაცია გართულდა / ჩაიხლართა
    his ambition is to become a famous politician მისი მიზანია სახელგანთქმული პოლიტიკოსი გახდეს
    it takes a lot of time to become acclimatized to life in a tropical climate ტროპიკულ ჰავაში ცხოვრების შეგუებას დიდი დრო უნდა
    the situation is becoming acute სიტუაცია იძაბება/სიტუაცია მწვავდება
    she became abusive ჩხუბი დაიწყო//აგრესიული გახდა
    he became / got angry გაჯავრდა / გული მოუვიდა

    English-Georgian dictionary > become

  • 11 ekinsulti

    become abusive

    Esperanto-English dictionary > ekinsulti

  • 12 ausfallend

    I Part. Präs. ausfallen
    II Adj. ausfällig
    * * *
    1. adj

    áúsfallend werdento become abusive

    2. adv
    * * *
    aus·fal·lend, aus·fäl·lig
    I. adj abusive
    II. adv
    sich akk \ausfallend ausdrücken to use abusive language
    sich akk \ausfallend über jdn/etw äußern [o auslassen] to get personal about sb/sth
    etw \ausfallend formulieren to frame sth in abusive language
    * * *

    [gegen jemanden] ausfallend sein/werden — be/become abusive [towards somebody]

    * * *
    A. ppr ausfallen
    B. adj ausfällig
    * * *

    [gegen jemanden] ausfallend sein/werden — be/become abusive [towards somebody]

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > ausfallend

  • 13 grob

    rough; unceremonious; uncivil; uncouth; churlish; gross; crass; rude; blunt; harsh; crude; coarse
    * * *
    1. adj comp ordm;er
    ['grøːbɐ] superl ordm;ste(r, s) ['grøːpstə]
    1) (= nicht fein) Material, Oberfläche etc coarse; Arbeit dirty attr
    2) (= ungefähr) rough

    in gróben Umrissen — roughly

    3) (= schlimm, groß) gross (AUCH JUR)

    ein gróber Fehler — a bad mistake, a gross error

    wir sind aus dem Gröbsten herauswe're out of the woods (now), we can see the light at the end of the tunnel (now)

    gróbe Fahrlässigkeit — gross negligence

    4) (= brutal, derb) rough; (fig = derb) coarse; Antwort rude; (= unhöflich) ill-mannered

    grób gegen jdn werden — to become offensive (towards sb)

    auf einen gróben Klotz gehört ein gróber Keil (Prov)one must answer rudeness with rudeness

    2. adv comp ordm; er,
    superl am ordm;sten

    (= nicht fein) grób zerkleinen/hacken — to chop coarsely

    etw grób schneiden — to cut sth in large pieces; Käse to cut sth in thick slices

    grób gemahlen — coarsely ground

    grób mahlen — to grind coarsely


    (= ungefähr) grób geschätzt/gemessen/gerechnet — approximately, roughly, at a rough estimate

    etw grób umreißen/skizzieren — to give a rough idea of sth

    etw grób wiedergeben — to give a superficial or an approximate account of sth


    (= schlimm) grób fahrlässig handelnto commit an act of gross negligence

    4) (= brutal) anfassen, behandeln roughly; massieren hard, roughly; (= unhöflich) rudely; (= barsch) curtly

    grób mit jdm umspringen — to rough sb up

    jdm grób kommen (inf)to get coarse with sb

    * * *
    2) (rough in texture or to touch; not fine: This coat is made of coarse material.) coarse
    4) (very obvious or very great: a crass mistake.) crass
    5) (stupid.) crass
    6) (insensitive.) crass
    7) (rough or primitive: a crude shelter.) crude
    8) (very bad: gross errors/indecency.) gross
    9) (vulgar: gross behaviour/language.) gross
    10) rudely
    11) (not polite; showing bad manners: rude behaviour.) rude
    12) (roughly made: a rustic fence.) rustic
    * * *
    < gröber, gröbste>
    I. adj
    1. (nicht fein) coarse
    \grobe Hände coarse [or rough] hands
    das G\grobe the dirty work
    2. (derb) coarse, uncouth
    \grobe Manieren coarse manners
    3. (ungefähr) rough
    eine \grobe Erklärung an approximate explanation
    \grobe Schätzung rough estimate
    in \groben Umrissen [o Zügen] roughly
    4. (unhöflich) rude
    \grob werden to become rude [or abusive
    5. (unsanft, unsensibel) rough
    ein \grober Mensch a rough person
    6. (schlimm) bad, serious
    eine \grobe Lüge a terrible lie
    aus dem Gröbsten heraus sein to be over the worst [of it] [or able to see the light at the end of the tunnel
    II. adv
    1. (nicht fein) coarsely
    \grob gemahlen coarsely ground pred, coarse-ground
    2. (in etwa) roughly
    \grob gemessen [o gerechnet] [o geschätzt] at a rough estimate
    etw \grob erklären to give a rough explanation of sth [or explain sth roughly]
    etw \grob skizzieren [o umreißen] to make a rough outline of sth [or outline sth roughly]
    etw \grob wiedergeben to give a rough account of sth
    3. (unhöflich) rudely
    jdn \grob zurechtweisen to rudely reprimand sb
    4. (unsanft, unsensibel) roughly
    jdn \grob behandeln to treat sb roughly
    sich akk \grob täuschen to be badly mistaken
    jdn \grob belügen to lie barefaced to sb
    * * *
    1) coarse < sand, gravel, paper, sieve, etc.>; thick < wire>; rough, dirty < work>
    2) (ungefähr) rough
    3) (schwerwiegend) gross; flagrant < lie>

    ein grober Fehler/Irrtum — a bad mistake or gross error

    aus dem Gröbsten heraus sein(ugs.) be over the worst

    4) (barsch) coarse; rude
    5) (nicht sanft) rough

    grob [zu jemandem] sein — be rough [with somebody]


    grobgemahlen — coarsely ground; coarse-ground

    2) (ungefähr) roughly
    3) (schwerwiegend) grossly
    4) (barsch) coarsely; rudely
    5) (nicht sanft) roughly
    * * *
    grob; gröber, am gröbsten
    A. adj
    1. Feile, Filter, Gesichtszüge, Stoff etc: coarse; (rau) auch rough; (unverarbeitet) raw, crude; (unfertig) unfinished
    2. Kies, Sand etc: coarse-grained;
    grob gemahlen Kaffee, Mehl: coarse-ground
    3. (ungefähr) Schätzung, Skizze: rough;
    grobe Entfernung approximate distance;
    in groben Zügen very roughly
    4. Arbeit etc: rough, heavy;
    sie haben ein Mädchen fürs Grobe they’ve got a girl ( oder maid) to do the dirty jobs;
    er ist der Mann fürs Grobe umg he’s a man who doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty ( oder doing the dirty work)
    5. pej Person, Benehmen: coarse; (ungehobelt) uncouth; (roh) very rough, brutal; (unhöflich, beleidigend) rude; (geradeheraus) bluff, blunt; (ordinär) crude;
    grob sein physisch: be rough;
    grob werden be rude (
    gegen to), get offensive (toward[s]);
    auf einen groben Klotz gehört ein grober Keil fig sprichw rudeness is best answered with rudeness
    6. (schlimm) serious, major; JUR gross;
    grobe Fahrlässigkeit gross negligence;
    Schnitzer grave mistake, blunder;
    grobe Lüge downright ( oder flagrant) lie;
    grober Unfug public nuisance, breach of the peace;
    grober Verstoß (gegen) JUR grievous offence (US -se) (gegen), gross violation (of); gröber, gröbst…
    B. adv coarsely etc; A;
    grob gerechnet roughly, at a rough estimate;
    grob geschätzt at a rough guess;
    grob schätzen make a rough guess at;
    grob umreißen give a rough outline of;
    jemandem grob kommen be rude to sb, get offensive towards sb;
    grob fahrlässig JUR grossly negligent
    * * *
    1) coarse <sand, gravel, paper, sieve, etc.>; thick < wire>; rough, dirty < work>
    2) (ungefähr) rough
    3) (schwerwiegend) gross; flagrant < lie>

    ein grober Fehler/Irrtum — a bad mistake or gross error

    aus dem Gröbsten heraus sein(ugs.) be over the worst

    4) (barsch) coarse; rude
    5) (nicht sanft) rough

    grob [zu jemandem] sein — be rough [with somebody]


    grobgemahlen — coarsely ground; coarse-ground

    2) (ungefähr) roughly
    3) (schwerwiegend) grossly
    4) (barsch) coarsely; rudely
    5) (nicht sanft) roughly
    * * *
    coarse adj.
    crass adj.
    crude adj.
    gruff adj.
    raw adj.
    rough adj.
    uncivil adj.
    uncouth adj.
    unsubtle adj. adv.
    bluntly adv.
    coarsely adv.
    crassly adv.
    gruffly adv.
    roughly adv.
    rudely adv.
    truculently adv.
    uncouthly adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > grob

  • 14 ausfällig

    Adj. offensive; ausfällig werden get personal ( oder abusive)
    * * *
    1. adj

    áúsfallend werdento become abusive

    2. adv
    * * *
    aus·fal·lend, aus·fäl·lig
    I. adj abusive
    II. adv
    sich akk \ausfällig ausdrücken to use abusive language
    sich akk \ausfällig über jdn/etw äußern [o auslassen] to get personal about sb/sth
    etw \ausfällig formulieren to frame sth in abusive language
    * * *
    ausfällig adj offensive;
    ausfällig werden get personal ( oder abusive)

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > ausfällig

  • 15 decir groserías

    to make rude remarks, to be abusive, to become abusive.

    Spanish-English dictionary > decir groserías

  • 16 ponerse abusivo

    to become abusive.

    Spanish-English dictionary > ponerse abusivo

  • 17 anzüglich

    - {abusive} lạm dụng, lăng mạ, sỉ nhục, chửi rủa, lừa dối, lừa gạt, ngược đãi, hành hạ - {offensive} xúc phạm, làm mất lòng, làm nhục, chướng tai gai mắt, khó chịu, hôi hám, gớm guốc, tởm, tấn công, công kích - {point} - {suggestive} gợi ý, có tính chất gợi ý, có tính chất gợi nhớ, kêu gợi, gợi những ý nghĩ tà dâm = anzüglich (Bemerkung) {personal}+ = anzüglich werden {to become personal}+

    Deutsch-Vietnamesisch Wörterbuch > anzüglich

  • 18 precio

    1 price.
    ¿qué precio tiene esta corbata? how much is this tie?
    está muy bien de precio it's very reasonably priced
    precio al contado cash price
    precio de compra purchase price
    precio de fábrica factory price
    precio indicativo guide price
    precio de mercado market price
    precio prohibitivo prohibitively high price
    precio de saldo bargain price
    precio de salida starting price
    2 price (sacrificio).
    pagaron un precio muy alto por la victoria they paid a very high price for victory, victory cost them dearly
    a cualquier precio at any price
    3 price tag.
    1st person singular (yo) present indicative of spanish verb: preciar.
    * * *
    1 (coste) price
    ¿a qué precio está? how much is it?
    a cualquier precio at any cost
    a precio de coste at cost price
    no tener precio figurado to be priceless
    * * *
    noun m.
    1) price, value
    2) cost
    * * *
    1) (=importe) [de producto] price; [de viaje] fare; [en hotel] rate, charge

    ¿qué precio tiene? — how much is it?

    a o por un precio simbólico — for a nominal o token sum

    precio al detalle, precio al por menor — retail price

    precio de coste, precio de costo — cost-price

    precio de situación LAm bargain price

    precio de venta — sale price, selling price

    precio tope — top price, ceiling price

    2) (=coste, sacrificio)

    al precio defrm at the cost of

    ganó las elecciones, pero al precio de su integridad — he won the election but at the cost o expense of his integrity

    3) frm (=valor) worth, value
    * * *
    1) ( de producto) price

    subir los precios — to raise prices, to put prices up

    bajar los precios — to lower prices, to bring prices down

    ¿qué precio tiene este vestido? — how much is this dress?

    precio al contado/a plazos — cash/credit price

    pagar or comprar algo a precio de oro — to pay the earth o a fortune for something

    poner precio a la cabeza de alguiento put a price on somebody's head

    2) (sacrificio, esfuerzo)

    logró lo que quería ¿pero a qué precio? — she got what she wanted, but at what price o cost?

    * * *
    = price, price tag, price range, quote.
    Ex. Prices tend to be lower than those on SDC and DIALOG and this has obvious attractions.
    Ex. Many library services, which generally have been provided free to users, are likely to acquire price tags in the near future.
    Ex. The author reviews some of the features of text retrieval software packages currently on the market with notes on price ranges.
    Ex. This is the most cost-effective method of acquisition because of the opportunity to choose the least expensive quote from multiple quotes through increasing purchasing power.
    * a bajo precio = lower-cost, lower-cost, at a low price, on the cheap.
    * a cualquier precio = at any cost, at all costs, at any price.
    * alcanzar un precio = fetch + Dinero.
    * al mejor precio = at the best price.
    * al mejor precio posible = at the best possible price.
    * alto precio = costliness.
    * a mitad de precio = at half price.
    * a precio de coste = at cost price, at cost.
    * a precio de costo = at cost price, at cost.
    * a precio de ganga = at a steal.
    * a precio especial = at reduced cost, discounted, cut-rate, cut-price.
    * a precio razonable = at reasonable cost(s).
    * a precio reducido = at a discount.
    * a precios competitivos = competitively priced.
    * a precios especiales = at reduced rates, at preferential rates.
    * a precios razonables = at affordable prices.
    * a su precio normal = at full price.
    * aumentar el precio = mark up + price, jack up + the price.
    * aumento de precios = price increase, increased price.
    * a un precio especial = at a discount.
    * a un precio módico = at affordable cost, at an affordable price.
    * a un precio muy razonable = at a very reasonable cost, at very reasonable cost.
    * a un precio razonable = at a reasonable cost, reasonably priced.
    * averiguar el precio = cost.
    * bajada de los precios = falling prices.
    * bajar de precio = come down in + price.
    * bajar el precio = lower + price.
    * bajar los precios = roll back + prices.
    * bajo precio = low cost.
    * buena relación calidad-precio = value for money.
    * caída de los precios = falling prices.
    * cambiar el precio = reprice, reprice.
    * cobrar un precio = charge + price.
    * comparación de precios = comparison shopping.
    * comparar precios = comparison shop.
    * competencia de precios = price competition.
    * condiciones de adquisición y/o precio = terms of availability and/or price.
    * de bajo precio = low-priced.
    * de precio fijo = fixed-price.
    * de precio medio = medium-priced.
    * de precio razonable = affordable.
    * de precio rebajado = cut-price, cut-rate.
    * descender de precio = come down in + price.
    * diferencia de precio = price differential.
    * diferencia de precios = price differentiation.
    * diferencias de precio = differential pricing.
    * fijación de precio de venta = pricing.
    * fijación de precios = fixing.
    * fijar precios = price, fix + price.
    * fijar precios altos = price + high.
    * fijar precios bajos = price + low.
    * fulminar los precios = slash + prices.
    * guerra de precios = pricing competition, price war.
    * índice de precios = price index.
    * índice de precios al consumo = consumer price index (CPI), cost of living index.
    * Indice de Precios al Consumo (IPC) = Retail Price Index (RPI).
    * información de precios = price information.
    * información de precios de productos para el consumo = retail prices.
    * manipulación de precios = price-fixing.
    * mantener los precios = hold + prices down.
    * mejor relación calidad-precio, la = best value for money, the.
    * mitad de precio = half price.
    * negociar el precio de Algo = negotiate + price.
    * obligar a subir el precio = force up + prices.
    * pagar el precio = meet + price.
    * pagar precio = pay + cost.
    * pagar un alto precio = pay + hefty price.
    * pagar un precio = pay + fee, pay + penalty.
    * pagar un precio alto por Algo = pay + a premium price for.
    * pagar un precio elevado = pay + hefty price.
    * pagar un precio exorbitante = pay through + the nose.
    * política de fijación de precios = pricing policy.
    * política de precios = pricing model, pricing policy.
    * poner el precio = price.
    * poner precio a la cabeza de Alguien = declare + open season on, put + a price on + Posesivo + head.
    * poner un precio a Algo muy alto = overprice.
    * precio abusivo = abusive price tag, abusive price.
    * precio abusivo, precio desorbidato = abusive price.
    * precio al por mayor = block rate, wholesale price, bulk rate.
    * precio + bajar = price + fall.
    * precio + caer = price + fall.
    * precio calculado según el tiempo empleado = time-based charge.
    * precio calculado según el tiempo de conexión = connect time based pricing.
    * precio calculado según el tiempo empleado = time-based charge.
    * precio competitivo = competitive price.
    * precio con descuento = discounted price, discount price.
    * precio de compra = purchase price.
    * precio de coste más margen de beneficios = cost-plus pricing.
    * precio de entrada = price of admission.
    * precio de la gasolina = fuel pump price.
    * precio de la habitación = room rate.
    * precio del aparcamiento = parking fee.
    * precio de las acciones = share price.
    * precio de la suscripción = subscription price.
    * precio de la vivienda = house price.
    * precio del billete = fare.
    * precio del billete de autobús = bus fare.
    * precio del billete de avión = airfare [air fare], airline fare.
    * precio del carburante = fuel price, fuel pump price.
    * precio del combustible = fuel price, fuel pump price.
    * precio del productor = producer price.
    * precio de salida = starting price.
    * precio + descender = price + fall.
    * precio desorbidato = abusive price tag, abusive price.
    * precio desorbitado = prohibitive price tag, prohibitive price.
    * precio de tarifa = list price, listed price.
    * precio de venta al público = retail price, cover price, list price, listed price.
    * precio + dispararse = price + spiral out of control, price + go through the roof, price + soar through the roof.
    * precio especial = reduced rate, special rate, reduced fee, discounted price, discount price, preferential rate.
    * precio especial por compra al por mayor = bulk deal.
    * precio excesivo = steep price, overpricing [over-pricing], inflated price.
    * precio fijo = fixed charge.
    * precio inflado = inflated price.
    * precio inicial = starting price.
    * precio íntegro = full price.
    * precio medio = average price.
    * precio mínimo = threshold price.
    * precio normal = full price.
    * precio para estudiantes = student rate.
    * precio + ponerse por las nubes = price + go through the roof, price + spiral out of control, price + spiral out of control, price + soar through the roof.
    * precio por unidad = unit price.
    * precio prohibitivo = prohibitively expensive, prohibitive price tag, prohibitive price.
    * precio razonable = fair price.
    * precio rebajado = marked-down price.
    * precio rebajado, precio reducido, descuento = marked-down price.
    * precios = pricing, price range, price rate, price structure.
    * precios competitivos = competitive rates.
    * precios con descuento = discount price.
    * precios de las materias primas = commodity prices.
    * precios descontrolados = runaway prices.
    * precios disparados = spiralling prices, runaway prices.
    * precios + dispararse = prices + spiral.
    * precios en alza = rising costs, runaway prices, runaway costs.
    * precio simbólico = nominal fee.
    * precios + ponerse por las nubes = prices + spiral.
    * precios por las nubes = spiralling prices.
    * que no tiene precio = priceless.
    * que tiene precio = priced.
    * rebajar el precio = cut + price.
    * rebajar los precios = knock down + prices, slash + prices.
    * reducción de los precios = price cut.
    * reducción de precios = pricecutting.
    * reducir el precio = reduce + price, cut + price.
    * relación calidad-precio = price-performance ratio.
    * sensible a los precios = price sensitive.
    * sin precio = unpriced.
    * subida de precios = price rise, rising costs, price increase, increased price, price hike, price hike.
    * subir de precio = rise in + price.
    * subir el precio = push + cost + up, raise + price, jack up + the price, rack up + the price.
    * susceptible a los precios = price sensitive.
    * tabla de comparación de precios = price-comparison table.
    * tarifa de precios = pricing structure, pricing algorithm, pricing scheme, pricing model, price structure.
    * tener un precio razonable = be reasonably priced.
    * tirado de precio = steal, at a steal.
    * vender a precio de costo = sell at + cost.
    * vender a precio de ganga = sell at + bargain price.
    * vender a un precio más barato que = undercut.
    * vender en el extranjero a precios inferiores que en el país de origen = dump.
    * venta a un precio más barato = undercutting.
    * * *
    1) ( de producto) price

    subir los precios — to raise prices, to put prices up

    bajar los precios — to lower prices, to bring prices down

    ¿qué precio tiene este vestido? — how much is this dress?

    precio al contado/a plazos — cash/credit price

    pagar or comprar algo a precio de oro — to pay the earth o a fortune for something

    poner precio a la cabeza de alguiento put a price on somebody's head

    2) (sacrificio, esfuerzo)

    logró lo que quería ¿pero a qué precio? — she got what she wanted, but at what price o cost?

    * * *
    = price, price tag, price range, quote.

    Ex: Prices tend to be lower than those on SDC and DIALOG and this has obvious attractions.

    Ex: Many library services, which generally have been provided free to users, are likely to acquire price tags in the near future.
    Ex: The author reviews some of the features of text retrieval software packages currently on the market with notes on price ranges.
    Ex: This is the most cost-effective method of acquisition because of the opportunity to choose the least expensive quote from multiple quotes through increasing purchasing power.
    * a bajo precio = lower-cost, lower-cost, at a low price, on the cheap.
    * a cualquier precio = at any cost, at all costs, at any price.
    * alcanzar un precio = fetch + Dinero.
    * al mejor precio = at the best price.
    * al mejor precio posible = at the best possible price.
    * alto precio = costliness.
    * a mitad de precio = at half price.
    * a precio de coste = at cost price, at cost.
    * a precio de costo = at cost price, at cost.
    * a precio de ganga = at a steal.
    * a precio especial = at reduced cost, discounted, cut-rate, cut-price.
    * a precio razonable = at reasonable cost(s).
    * a precio reducido = at a discount.
    * a precios competitivos = competitively priced.
    * a precios especiales = at reduced rates, at preferential rates.
    * a precios razonables = at affordable prices.
    * a su precio normal = at full price.
    * aumentar el precio = mark up + price, jack up + the price.
    * aumento de precios = price increase, increased price.
    * a un precio especial = at a discount.
    * a un precio módico = at affordable cost, at an affordable price.
    * a un precio muy razonable = at a very reasonable cost, at very reasonable cost.
    * a un precio razonable = at a reasonable cost, reasonably priced.
    * averiguar el precio = cost.
    * bajada de los precios = falling prices.
    * bajar de precio = come down in + price.
    * bajar el precio = lower + price.
    * bajar los precios = roll back + prices.
    * bajo precio = low cost.
    * buena relación calidad-precio = value for money.
    * caída de los precios = falling prices.
    * cambiar el precio = reprice, reprice.
    * cobrar un precio = charge + price.
    * comparación de precios = comparison shopping.
    * comparar precios = comparison shop.
    * competencia de precios = price competition.
    * condiciones de adquisición y/o precio = terms of availability and/or price.
    * de bajo precio = low-priced.
    * de precio fijo = fixed-price.
    * de precio medio = medium-priced.
    * de precio razonable = affordable.
    * de precio rebajado = cut-price, cut-rate.
    * descender de precio = come down in + price.
    * diferencia de precio = price differential.
    * diferencia de precios = price differentiation.
    * diferencias de precio = differential pricing.
    * fijación de precio de venta = pricing.
    * fijación de precios = fixing.
    * fijar precios = price, fix + price.
    * fijar precios altos = price + high.
    * fijar precios bajos = price + low.
    * fulminar los precios = slash + prices.
    * guerra de precios = pricing competition, price war.
    * índice de precios = price index.
    * índice de precios al consumo = consumer price index (CPI), cost of living index.
    * Indice de Precios al Consumo (IPC) = Retail Price Index (RPI).
    * información de precios = price information.
    * información de precios de productos para el consumo = retail prices.
    * manipulación de precios = price-fixing.
    * mantener los precios = hold + prices down.
    * mejor relación calidad-precio, la = best value for money, the.
    * mitad de precio = half price.
    * negociar el precio de Algo = negotiate + price.
    * obligar a subir el precio = force up + prices.
    * pagar el precio = meet + price.
    * pagar precio = pay + cost.
    * pagar un alto precio = pay + hefty price.
    * pagar un precio = pay + fee, pay + penalty.
    * pagar un precio alto por Algo = pay + a premium price for.
    * pagar un precio elevado = pay + hefty price.
    * pagar un precio exorbitante = pay through + the nose.
    * política de fijación de precios = pricing policy.
    * política de precios = pricing model, pricing policy.
    * poner el precio = price.
    * poner precio a la cabeza de Alguien = declare + open season on, put + a price on + Posesivo + head.
    * poner un precio a Algo muy alto = overprice.
    * precio abusivo = abusive price tag, abusive price.
    * precio abusivo, precio desorbidato = abusive price.
    * precio al por mayor = block rate, wholesale price, bulk rate.
    * precio + bajar = price + fall.
    * precio + caer = price + fall.
    * precio calculado según el tiempo empleado = time-based charge.
    * precio calculado según el tiempo de conexión = connect time based pricing.
    * precio calculado según el tiempo empleado = time-based charge.
    * precio competitivo = competitive price.
    * precio con descuento = discounted price, discount price.
    * precio de compra = purchase price.
    * precio de coste más margen de beneficios = cost-plus pricing.
    * precio de entrada = price of admission.
    * precio de la gasolina = fuel pump price.
    * precio de la habitación = room rate.
    * precio del aparcamiento = parking fee.
    * precio de las acciones = share price.
    * precio de la suscripción = subscription price.
    * precio de la vivienda = house price.
    * precio del billete = fare.
    * precio del billete de autobús = bus fare.
    * precio del billete de avión = airfare [air fare], airline fare.
    * precio del carburante = fuel price, fuel pump price.
    * precio del combustible = fuel price, fuel pump price.
    * precio del productor = producer price.
    * precio de salida = starting price.
    * precio + descender = price + fall.
    * precio desorbidato = abusive price tag, abusive price.
    * precio desorbitado = prohibitive price tag, prohibitive price.
    * precio de tarifa = list price, listed price.
    * precio de venta al público = retail price, cover price, list price, listed price.
    * precio + dispararse = price + spiral out of control, price + go through the roof, price + soar through the roof.
    * precio especial = reduced rate, special rate, reduced fee, discounted price, discount price, preferential rate.
    * precio especial por compra al por mayor = bulk deal.
    * precio excesivo = steep price, overpricing [over-pricing], inflated price.
    * precio fijo = fixed charge.
    * precio inflado = inflated price.
    * precio inicial = starting price.
    * precio íntegro = full price.
    * precio medio = average price.
    * precio mínimo = threshold price.
    * precio normal = full price.
    * precio para estudiantes = student rate.
    * precio + ponerse por las nubes = price + go through the roof, price + spiral out of control, price + spiral out of control, price + soar through the roof.
    * precio por unidad = unit price.
    * precio prohibitivo = prohibitively expensive, prohibitive price tag, prohibitive price.
    * precio razonable = fair price.
    * precio rebajado = marked-down price.
    * precio rebajado, precio reducido, descuento = marked-down price.
    * precios = pricing, price range, price rate, price structure.
    * precios competitivos = competitive rates.
    * precios con descuento = discount price.
    * precios de las materias primas = commodity prices.
    * precios descontrolados = runaway prices.
    * precios disparados = spiralling prices, runaway prices.
    * precios + dispararse = prices + spiral.
    * precios en alza = rising costs, runaway prices, runaway costs.
    * precio simbólico = nominal fee.
    * precios + ponerse por las nubes = prices + spiral.
    * precios por las nubes = spiralling prices.
    * que no tiene precio = priceless.
    * que tiene precio = priced.
    * rebajar el precio = cut + price.
    * rebajar los precios = knock down + prices, slash + prices.
    * reducción de los precios = price cut.
    * reducción de precios = pricecutting.
    * reducir el precio = reduce + price, cut + price.
    * relación calidad-precio = price-performance ratio.
    * sensible a los precios = price sensitive.
    * sin precio = unpriced.
    * subida de precios = price rise, rising costs, price increase, increased price, price hike, price hike.
    * subir de precio = rise in + price.
    * subir el precio = push + cost + up, raise + price, jack up + the price, rack up + the price.
    * susceptible a los precios = price sensitive.
    * tabla de comparación de precios = price-comparison table.
    * tarifa de precios = pricing structure, pricing algorithm, pricing scheme, pricing model, price structure.
    * tener un precio razonable = be reasonably priced.
    * tirado de precio = steal, at a steal.
    * vender a precio de costo = sell at + cost.
    * vender a precio de ganga = sell at + bargain price.
    * vender a un precio más barato que = undercut.
    * vender en el extranjero a precios inferiores que en el país de origen = dump.
    * venta a un precio más barato = undercutting.

    * * *
    subir los precios to raise prices, to put prices up
    bajar los precios to lower prices, to bring prices down
    ¿qué precio tiene este vestido? what's the price of this dress?, how much is this dress?
    el precio del viaje the cost o price of the trip
    aquí la fruta está muy bien de precio fruit is very reasonably priced o very reasonable here, the price of fruit is very reasonable here
    un precio al alcance de todos los bolsillos a price to suit everyone's pocket, a price everyone can afford
    lo compré a muy buen precio I got it for a very reasonable price
    en esta zona los apartamentos tienen un precio prohibitivo apartments in this area are prohibitively expensive
    tiene un precio irrisorio it's ridiculously cheap
    libros a precios populares books at affordable prices
    precio al contado cash price
    precio a plazos credit price
    a precio de saldo at a bargain price, at a knockdown price ( colloq)
    aún no han fijado el precio they still haven't fixed the price
    hacer precio ( RPl); to lower the price, give a discount
    no tener precio to be priceless
    este anillo no tiene precio para mí for me this ring is priceless
    su ayuda no tiene precio her help has been invaluable
    pagar or comprar algo a precio de oro to pay the earth o a fortune for sth
    poner precio a la cabeza de algn to put a price on sb's head
    precio al por mayor/menor
    wholesale/retail price, trade price
    fixed price
    opening price
    support price
    closing price
    purchase price
    precio de costo or ( Esp) coste
    cost price
    striking price
    launch price
    el precio del dinero the cost of money, the cost of borrowing
    market price
    starting price
    threshold price
    sale price
    (de un alimento, medicamento) recommended retail price; (de un libro) published price
    factory (gate) price, price ex works ( BrE)
    psychological price
    unit price
    (sacrificio, esfuerzo): logró lo que quería ¿pero a qué precio? she got what she wanted, but at what price o cost?
    impedirán a cualquier precio que se sepa la verdad they will go to any lengths to stop people knowing the truth, they will stop at nothing to hide the truth
    está dispuesto a mantenerse en el cargo a cualquier precio he's determined to stay on at any price o at all costs o whatever the cost
    * * *


    Del verbo preciar: ( conjugate preciar)

    precio es:

    1ª persona singular (yo) presente indicativo

    preció es:

    3ª persona singular (él/ella/usted) pretérito indicativo

    precio sustantivo masculino
    1 ( de producto) price;
    precio al contado/a plazos cash/credit price;

    ¿qué precio tiene este vestido? how much is this dress?;
    precio de costo or (Esp) coste cost price;
    precio de venta al público (de alimento, medicamento) recommended retail price;

    ( de libro) published price;

    2 (sacrificio, costo) price, cost;

    precio sustantivo masculino price, cost: ¿qué precio tiene este abrigo?, how much is this coat?
    ♦ Locuciones: a cualquier precio, at any cost: está dispuesta a conseguir ese puesto a cualquier precio, she's willing to do anything in order to get that job
    no tener precio, to be priceless: las obras destruídas por las bombas no tenían precio, the works of art destroyed by the bombing were priceless
    mi amistad no tiene precio, my friendship can't be bought
    ' precio' also found in these entries:
    - abusivo
    - ajustada
    - ajustado
    - alquiler
    - alta
    - alto
    - arrendamiento
    - cara
    - caro
    - cobrar
    - concertar
    - conveniente
    - costar
    - coste
    - costo
    - de
    - demencial
    - descender
    - desorbitada
    - desorbitado
    - encarecer
    - entrar
    - estar
    - lince
    - mitad
    - moderada
    - moderado
    - módica
    - módico
    - neta
    - neto
    - proporción
    - PVP
    - rebaja
    - rebajar
    - regatear
    - rondar
    - salvajada
    - según
    - tarifa
    - tasa
    - tasar
    - tributo
    - unitaria
    - unitario
    - valer
    - valor
    - valorar
    - accesible
    - all-in
    - approximate
    - arm's length
    - arrange
    - asking price
    - at
    - bargain
    - beat down
    - bloody
    - bring down
    - cagey
    - charge
    - cheap
    - command
    - cost
    - cut
    - decrease
    - dirt-cheap
    - discount
    - double
    - down
    - downturn
    - drop
    - excessive
    - fall
    - fare
    - fix
    - foresight
    - freight
    - gazumping
    - going
    - hefty
    - high-end
    - inexpensively
    - inflated
    - introductory
    - jack up
    - jump
    - knock down
    - low
    - lower
    - lowest
    - mark down
    - mark up
    - market price
    - mistaken
    - moderate
    - money
    - name
    * * *
    precio nm
    1. [en dinero] price;
    ¿qué precio tiene esta corbata? how much is this tie?;
    subir los precios to put prices up;
    bajar los precios to bring prices down;
    ha subido el precio de la vivienda house prices have gone up;
    está muy bien de precio it's very reasonably priced;
    un precio prohibitivo a prohibitively high price;
    Andes Fam
    a precio de huevo for next to nothing;
    a precio de oro: la merluza está a precio de oro hake has become ridiculously expensive;
    hacer precio a alguien to give sb a discount;
    poner precio a to put a price on;
    poner precio a la cabeza de alguien to put a price on sb's head;
    no tener precio to be priceless
    Bolsa precio de apertura opening price;
    precio de catálogo list price;
    Bolsa precio de cierre closing price;
    precio de compra purchase price;
    precio comprador bid price;
    precio al contado cash price;
    Esp precio de coste cost price;
    precio de costo cost price;
    comprar algo a precio de costo to buy sth at cost price;
    Bolsa precio de cotización quoted price; Fin el precio del dinero the cost of borrowing; Bolsa precio de ejercicio striking price;
    precio de fábrica factory price;
    precio indicativo guide price;
    precio de lanzamiento launch price;
    precio de lista list price;
    precio al por mayor trade price;
    precio de mercado market price;
    precio nominal nominal price;
    precio de oferta offer price;
    precio de saldo bargain price;
    precio de salida starting price;
    precio simbólico nominal o token amount;
    precio tope top o ceiling price;
    precio por unidad unit price;
    precio unitario unit price;
    2. [sacrificio] price;
    es el precio de la fama it's the price of fame;
    pagaron un precio muy alto por la victoria they paid a very high price for victory, victory cost them dearly;
    a cualquier precio at any price;
    al precio de at the cost of
    * * *
    m price;
    precio por unidad unit price;
    a bajo precio at a low price;
    a mitad de precio at half price;
    estar bien de precio be reasonably priced;
    a buen precio at a good price;
    pagar a precio de oro pay a fortune for;
    no tener precio fig be priceless
    * * *
    precio nm
    1) : price
    2) : cost, sacrifice
    a cualquier precio: whatever the cost
    * * *
    precio n price
    ¿qué precio tiene? how much is it?

    Spanish-English dictionary > precio

  • 19 दुर् _dur

    दुर् ind. (A prefix substituted for दुस् before words beginning with vowels or soft consonants in the sense of 'bad'. 'hard' or 'difficult to do a certain thing'; for compounds with दुस् as first member see दुस् s. v.).
    -Comp. -अक्ष a.
    1 weak-eyed.
    -2 evileyed.
    (-क्षः) 1 a loaded or false die.
    -2 dishonest gambling.
    -अक्षरम् an evil word; श्रुतिं ममाविश्य भवद्दुरक्षरं सृजत्यदः कीटकवदुत्कटा रुजः N.9.63.
    -अतिक्रम a. difficult to be overcome or conquered, unconquerable; सर्वं तु तपसा साध्यं तपो हि दुरति- क्रमम् Ms.11.2.38; स्वभावो दुरतिक्रमः 'nature cannot be changed'; स्वजातिर्दुरतिक्रमा Pt.1.
    -2 insurmountable, impassable; B. R.6.18-19.
    -3 inevitable. (
    -मः) an epithet of Viṣṇu.
    -अत्यय a.
    1 difficult to be overcome; स्वर्गमार्गपरिघो दुरत्ययः R.11.88.
    -2 hard to be attained or fathomed; स एष आत्मा स्वपरेत्यबुद्धिभिर्दुरत्यया- नुक्रमणो निरूप्यते Bhāg.7.5.13.
    -अदृष्टम् ill-luck, misfortune.
    -अधिग, -अधिगम a.
    1 hard to reach or attain, unattainable; Bhāg.3.23.8; दुरधिगमः परभागो यावत्पुरुषेण पौरुषं न कृतम् Pt.1.33.
    -2 insurmountable.
    -3 hard to be studied or understood; इह दुरधिगमैः किञ्चि- देवागमैः Ki.5.18.
    -अधिष्ठित a. badly performed, managed, or executed. (
    -तम्) improper stay at a place.
    -अधीत a. badly learnt or read.
    -अध्यय a.
    1 difficult of attainment; सहस्रवर्त्मा चपलैर्दुरध्ययः Śi.12.11.
    -2 hard to be studied.
    -अध्यवसायः a foolish undertaking.
    -अध्वः a bad road; स्वयं दुरध्वार्णवनाविकाः कथं स्पृशन्तु विज्ञाय हृदापि तादृशीम् N.9.33.
    -अन्त a.
    1 whose end is difficult to be reached, endless, infinite; संकर्षणाय सूक्ष्माय दुरन्तायान्तकाय च Bhāg.
    -2 ending ill or in misery, unhappy; अहो दुरन्ता बलवद्विरोधिता Ki.1.23; नृत्यति युवति- जनेन समं सखि विरहिजनस्य दुरन्ते (वसन्ते) Gīt.1; इयमुदरदरी- दुरन्तधारा यदि न भवेदभिमानभङ्गभूमिः Udb.
    -3 hard to be understood or known.
    -4 insurmountable.
    -अन्तक a. = दुरन्त q. v. (
    -कः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -अन्वय a.
    1 difficult to be passed along; Mb.14.51.17.
    -2 hard to be carried out or followed.
    -3 difficult to be attained. or understood; बुद्धिश्च ते महाप्राज्ञ देवैरपि दुरन्वया Rām.3. 66.18.
    -4 not suitable, improper; वचो दुरन्वयं विप्रास्तूष्णी- मासन्भ्रमद्धियः Bhāg.1.84.14.
    (-यः) 1 a wrong conclusion, one wrongly inferred from given premisses.
    -2 (in gram.) a false agreement.
    -अपवादः ill report. slander.
    -अभिग्रह a. difficult to be caught.
    -अभि- मानिन् a. vain-glorious, disagreeably proud.
    - अवगम a. incomprehensible; Bhāg.5.13.26.
    -अवग्रह a.
    1 difficult to be restrained or subjugated; भक्ता भजस्व दुरवग्रह मा त्यजास्मान् Bhāg.1.29.31.
    -2 disagreeable.
    -अवग्राह a. difficult to be attained; Bhāg.7.1.19.
    -अवच्छद a. difficult to be hidden; हेतुभिर्लक्षयांचक्रुराप्रीतां दुरवच्छदैः Bhāg.1.62.28.
    -अवबोध a. unintelligible. Bhāg.1.49.29.
    -अवसित a. unfathomed, difficult to be ascertained, द्युपतिभिरजशक्रशंकराद्यैर्दुरवसितस्तवमच्युतं नतो$स्मि Bhāg.12.12.67.
    -अवस्थ a. ill off, badly or poorly circumstanced.
    -अवस्था, -स्थानम् a wretched or miser- able state; Bhāg.5.3.12.
    -अवाप a. difficult to be gained or fulfilled; Ś.1.
    -अवेक्षितम् an improper look.
    -अह्नः a bad day.
    -आकृति a. ugly, mis-shaped.
    -आक्रन्द a. crying bitterly or miserably; किं क्रन्दसि दुराक्रन्द स्वपक्ष- क्षयकारक Pt.4.29.
    -आक्रम a.
    1 invincible, unconquer- able.
    -2 difficult to be passed.
    -आक्रमणम् 1 unfair attack.
    -2 difficult approach.
    -आगमः improper or illegal acquisition.
    -आग्रहः foolish obstinacy, head- strongness, pertinacity; ममाहमित्यूढदुराग्रहाणां पुंसाम् Bhāg.3. 5.43.
    1 hard to be performed.
    -2 incurable (as a disease).
    -आचार a.
    1 ill-conducted, badly be- haved.
    -2 following bad practices, wicked, depraved; अपि चेत्सुदुराचारो भजते मामनन्यभाक् Bg.9.3. (
    -रः) bad practice, ill-conduct, wikedness.
    -आढ्य a. not rich, poor.
    -आत्मता vileness, baseness, wickedness.
    -आत्मन् a. evil-natured, low, wicked, vile, base, mean; ये च प्राहुर्दुरात्मानो दुराराध्या महीभुजः Pt.1.39. (-m.) a rascal, villain, scoundrel.
    - आधर a. difficult to be withstood or overpowered, irresistible.
    -आधर्ष a. hard to be approached or assailed, unassailable जगन्नाथो दुराधर्षो गङ्गां भागीरथीं प्रति Mb.
    -2 not to be attacked with impu- nity.
    -3 haughty. (
    -र्षः) white mustard.
    -आधारः an epithet of Śiva.
    -आधिः (m.)
    1 distress or anxiety of mind; निरस्तनारीसमया दुराधयः Ki.1.28.
    -2 indignation.
    -आधी a. Ved. malignant, thinking ill of.
    - आनम a. difficult to bend or draw; स विचिन्त्य धनुर्दुरानमम् R.11.38.
    -आप a.
    1 difficult to be obtained; श्रिया दुरापः कथमीप्सितो भवेत् Ś.3.13; R.1.72;6.62.
    -2 difficult to be ap- proached; Pt.1.67.
    -3 hard to be overcome.
    -आपादन a. difficult to be brought about; किं दुरापादनं तेषाम् Bhāg.3.23.42.
    -आपूर a. difficult to be filled or satisfied; Bhāg.7.6.8.
    -आबाध a. hard to be molested. (
    -धः) N. of Śiva.
    -आमोदः bad scent, stench; शवधूमदुरामोदः शालिभक्ते$त्र विद्यते Ks.82.22.
    -आराध्य a. difficult to be propitiated, hard to be won over or conciliated; दुराराध्याः श्रियो राज्ञां दुरापा दुष्परिग्रहाः Pt.1.38.
    -आरुह a. difficult to be mounted.
    (-हः) 1 the Bilva tree.
    -2 the cocoanut tree.
    -3 the date tree.
    -आरोप a. difficult to be strung (bow); दुरारोपमैन्दुशेखरं धनुर्दुर्निवारा रावणभुजदण्डाः B. R.1.46-47.
    -आरोह a. difficult of ascent.
    (-हः) 1 The cocoanut tree.
    -2 the palm tree.
    -3 the date tree.
    -आलापः 1 a curse, imprecation.
    -2 foul of abusive language.
    -आलोक a.
    1 difficult to be seen or perceived.
    -2 painfully bright, dazzling; दुरालोकः स समरे निदाघाम्बररत्नवत् K. P.1. (
    -कः) dazzling splendour.
    -आव(वा)र a.
    1 difficult to be covered or filled up; दुरावरं त्वदन्येन राज्यखण्डमिदं महत् Rām.2.15.5.
    -2 difficult to be restrained, shut in, kept back or stopped.
    -आवर्त a. difficult to be convinced or set up; भवन्ति सुदुरावर्ता हेतुमन्तो$पि पण्डिताः Mb.12.19.23.
    1 evil-minded, wicked, malicious, स्फुटनिर्भिन्नो दुराशयो$धमः Śi. उपेयिवान् मूलमशेषमूलं दुराशयः कामदुघाङ्घ्रिपस्य Bhāg.3.21.15.
    -2 having a bad place or rest. (-m.) the subtle body which is not destroyed by death (लिङ्गदेह); एतन्मे जन्म लोके$स्मिन्मुमुक्षूणां दुराशयात् Bhāg.3.24. 36.
    -आशा 1 a bad or wicked desire.
    -2 hoping against hope.
    -आस a. difficult to be abided or associated with; संघर्षिणा सह गुणाभ्यधिकैर्दुरासम् Śi.5.19.
    1 difficult to be approached or overtaken; स सभूव दुरासदः परैः R.3.66; 8.4; Mv.2.5; 4.15.
    -2 difficult to be found or met with.
    -3 unequalled, unparalleled.
    -4 hard to be borne, insupportable.
    -5 difficult to be conquered, unassailable, unconquerable; जहि शत्रुं महाबाहो कामरूपं दुरासदम् Bg.3.43. (
    -दः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -इत a.
    1 difficult.
    -2 sinful.
    (-तम्) 1 a bad course, evil, sin; दरिद्राणां दैन्यं दुरितमथ दुर्वासनहृदां द्रुतं दूरीकुर्वन् G. L.2; R.8.2; Amaru.2; Mv.3.43.
    -2 a difficulty, danger.
    -3 a calamity, evil; अपत्ये यत्तादृग्- दुरितमभवत् U.4.3.
    -इतिः f. Ved.
    1 a bad course.
    -2 difficulty.
    -इष्टम् 1 a curse, imprecation.
    -2 a spell or sacrificial rite performed to injure another person.
    -ईशः a bad lord or master.
    -ईषणा, -एषणा 1 a curse, an imprecation.
    -2 an evil eye.
    -उक्त a. harshly utter- ed; Pt.1.89.
    -उक्तम्, -उक्तिः f. offensive speech, reproach, abuse, censure; लक्ष्मि क्षमस्व वचनीयमिदं दुरुक्तम् Udb.
    -उच्छेद a. difficult to be destroyed.
    -उत्तर a.
    1 unanswerable.
    -2 difficult to be crossed; दुरुत्तरे पङ्क इवान्धकारे Bk.11.2; प्राप्तः पङ्को दुरुत्तरः Ki.15.17.
    - उदय a. appearing with difficulty, not easily manifested; यो$ नात्मनां दुरुदयो भगवान्प्रतीतः Bhāg.3.16.5.
    -उदर्क a. having bad or no consequences; N.5.41.
    -उदाहर a. diffi- cult to be pronounced or composed; अनुज्झितार्थसंबन्धः प्रबन्धो दुरुदाहरः Śi.2.73.
    -उद्वह a. burdensome, unbear- able.
    - उपसद a. difficult of approach; Ki.7.9.
    -उपसर्पिन् a. approaching incautiously; एकमेव दहत्यग्निर्नरं दुरुपसर्पिणम् Ms.7.9.
    -ऊह a. abstruse; जानीते जयदेव एव शरणः श्लाघ्ये दुरूहद्रुते Gīt.
    -एव a. Ved.
    1 having evil ways.
    -2 irresis- tible, unassailable. (
    -वः) a wicked person.
    -ओषस् a. Ved. slow, lazy.
    - ग 1 difficult of access, inaccessible, impervious, impassable; दुर्गस्त्वेष महापन्थाः Mb.12.3. 5; दुर्गं पथस्तत्कवयो वदन्ति Kaṭh.1.3.14.
    -2 unattain- able.
    -3 incomprehensible.
    -4 following wicked path, vicious; Rām.2.39.22.
    (-गः, -गम्) 1 a difficult or narrow passage through a wood or over a stream, mountain &c., a defile, narrow pass.
    -2 a citadel. fortress, castle; न दुर्गं दुर्गमित्येव दुर्गमं मन्यते जनः । तस्य दुर्गमता सैव यत्प्रभुस्तस्य दुर्गमः ॥ Śiva. B.16.61.
    -3 rough ground.
    -4 difficulty, adversity, calamity, distress, danger; निस्तारयतिं दुर्गाच्च Ms.3.98;11.43; मच्चित्तः सर्व- दुर्गाणि मत्प्रसादात्तरिष्यसि; Bg.18.58.
    (-गः) 1 bdellium.
    -2 the Supreme Being.
    -3 N. of an Asura slain by Durgā (thus receiving her name from him). ˚अध्यक्षः, ˚पतिः, ˚पालः the commandant or governor of a castle. ˚अन्तः The suburb of a fort; दुर्गान्ते सिद्धतापसाः Kau. A. 1.12. ˚कर्मन् n. fortification. ˚कारक a. making difficult. (
    -कः) the birch tree. ˚घ्नी N. of Durgā. ˚तरणी an epithet of Sāvitrī. सावित्री दुर्गतरणी वीणा सप्तविधा तथा Mb. ˚मार्गः a defile, gorge. ˚लङ्घनम् surmounting difficu- lties. (
    -नः) a camel. ˚संचरः
    1 a difficult passage as to a fort &c., a bridge &c. over a defile. ˚संस्कारः Repairs to the old forts; अतो दुर्गसंस्कार आरब्धव्ये किं कौमुदीमहोत्सवेन Mu. ˚सिंहः N. of the author of कलापपरिशिष्ट. ˚व्यसनम् a defect or weak point in a fortress. (
    -र्गा) an epithet of Pārvatī, wife of Śiva.
    -2 the female cuckoo
    -3 N. of several plants. ˚नवमी the 9th day of the bright half of कार्तिक. ˚पूजा the chief festival in honour of दुर्गा in Bengal in the month of Āśvina.
    -गत a.
    1 unfortunate, in bad circumstances; समाश्वसिमि केनाहं कथं प्राणिमि दुर्गतः Bk.18.1.
    -2 indigent, poor.
    -3 distressed, in trouble.
    -गतता ill-luck, poverty, misery; तावज्जन्मातिदुःखाय ततो दुर्गतता सदा Pt.1.265.
    -गतिः f.
    1 misfortune, poverty, want, trouble, indigence; न हि कल्याणकृत्कश्चिद् दुर्गतिं तात गच्छति Bg.6.4.
    -2 a difficult situation or path.
    -3 hell.
    -गन्ध a. ill-smelling.
    (-न्धः) 1 bad odour, stink
    -2 any ill-smelling substance.
    -3 an onion.
    -4 the mango tree. (
    -न्धम्) sochal salt.
    -गन्धि, -गन्धिन् a. ill-smelling.
    -गम a.
    1 impassable, inaccessible, impervious; कामिनीकायकान्तारे कुचपर्वतदुर्गमे Bh.1.86; Śi. 12.49.
    -2 unattainable, difficult of attainment.
    -3 hard to be understood. (
    -मम्) a difficult place like hill etc; भ्राम्यन्ते दुर्गमेष्वपि Pt.5.81.
    -गाढ, -गाध, -गाह्य a. difficult to be fathomed or investigated, unfathomable.
    -गुणितम् not properly studied; चिराम्यस्तपथं याति शास्त्रं दुर्गुणितं यथा Avimārakam.2.4.
    -गोष्ठी evil association; conspiracy. वृद्धो रक्कः कम्पनेशो दुर्गोष्ठीमध्यगो$भवत् Rāj. T.6. 17.
    -ग्रह a.
    1 difficult to be gained or accomplished.
    -2 difficult to be conquered or subjugated; दुर्गाणि दुर्ग्रहाण्यासन् तस्य रोद्धुरपि द्विषाम् R.17.52.
    -3 hard to be understood.
    (-हः) 1 a cramp, spasm.
    -2 obstinacy.
    -3 whim, monomania; कथं न वा दुर्ग्रहदोष एष ते हितेन सम्य- ग्गुरुणापि शम्यते N.9.41.
    -घट a.
    1 difficult. कार्याणि घटयन्नासीद् दुर्घटान्यपि हेलया Rāj. T.4.364.
    -2 impossible.
    -घण a.
    1 closely packed together, very compact.
    -घुरुटः An unbeliever; L. D. B.
    -घोषः 1 a harsh cry.
    -2 a bear.
    -जन a.
    1 wicked, bad, vile.
    -2 slanderous, malicious, mischievous; यथा स्त्रीणां तथा वाचां साधुत्वे दुर्जनो जनः U.1.6. (
    -नः) a bad or wicked person, a malicious or mischievous man, villain; दुर्जनः प्रियवादी च नैतद्विश्वास- कारणम् Chāṇ.24,25; शाम्येत्प्रत्यपकारेण नोपकारेण दुर्जनः Ku.2.4. (दुर्जनायते Den. Ā. to become wicked; स्वजनो$पि दरिद्राणां तत्क्षणाद् दुर्जनायते Pt.1.5.). (दुर्जनीकृ [च्वि] to make blameworthy; दुर्जनीकृतास्मि अनेन मां चित्रगतां दर्शयता Nāg.2).
    -जय a. invincible. (
    -यः) N. of Viṣṇu.
    -जर a.
    1 ever youthful; तस्मिन्स्तनं दुर्जरवीर्यमुल्बणं घोराङ्कमादाय शिशोर्दधावथ Bhāg.1.6.1.
    -2 hard (as food), indigestible.
    -3 difficult to be enjoyed; राजश्रीर्दुर्जरा तस्य नवत्वे भूभुजो$भवत् Rāj. T.5.19.
    -जात a.
    1 unhappy, wretched.
    -2 bad-tempered, bad, wicked; Rāj. T.3. 142.
    -3 false, not genuine. ˚जीयिन् a. one who is born in vain; यो न यातयते वैरमल्पसत्त्वोद्यमः पुमान् । अफलं जन्म तस्याहं मन्ये दुर्जातजायिनः ॥ Mb.
    (-तम्) 1 a misfortune, calamity, difficulty; त्वं तावद् दुर्जाते मे$त्यन्तसाहाय्यकारिणी भव M.3; दुर्जातबन्धुः R.13.72. 'a friend in need or adversity.'
    -2 impropriety.
    -जाति a.
    1 bad natured, vile, wicked; रुदितशरणा दुर्जातीनां सहस्व रुषां फलम् Amaru.96.
    -2 out- cast. (
    -तिः f.) misfortune, ill condition.
    -ज्ञान, -ज्ञेय a. difficult to be known, incomprehensible. उच्चावचेषु भुतेषु दुर्ज्ञेयामकृतात्मभिः Ms.6.73. (
    -यः) N. of Śiva.
    -णयः, -नयः, -नीतिः 1 bad conduct.
    -2 impropriety
    -3 in- justice.
    -णामन्, -नामन् a. having a bad name.
    -णीत a.
    1 ill-behaved.
    -2 impolitic.
    -3 forward. (
    -तम्) miscon- duct; दुर्णीतं किमिहास्ति किं सुचरितं कः स्थानलाभे गुणः H.
    -दम, -दमन, -दम्य a. difficult to be subdued, untamable, indomitable.
    -दर्श a.
    1 difficult to be seen.
    -2 dazzling; सुदुर्दर्शमिदं रूपं दृष्टवानसि यन्मन Bg.11.52.
    -दर्शन a. ugly, ill-looking; दुर्दर्शनेन घटतामियमप्यनेन Māl.2.8.
    -दशा a misfortune, calamity.
    -दान्त a.
    1 hard to be tamed or subdued, untamable; Śi.12.22.
    -2 intractable, proud, insolent; दुर्दान्तानां दमनविधयः क्षत्रियेष्वायतन्ते Mv.3.34.
    (-तः) 1 a calf.
    -2 a strife, quarrel.
    -3 N. of Śiva.
    -दिन a. cloudy, rainy.
    (-नम्) 1 a bad day in general; तद्दिनं दुर्दिनं मन्ये यत्र मित्रागमो हि न Subhāṣ.
    -2 a rainy or cloudy day, stormy or rainy weather; उन्नमत्यकालदुर्दिनम् Mk.5; Ku.6 43; Mv.4.57.
    -3 a shower (of any- thing); द्विषां विषह्य काकुत्स्थस्तत्र नाराचदुर्दिनम् ॥ सन्मङ्गलस्नात इव R.4.41,82;5.47; U.5.5.
    -4 thick darkness; जीमूतैश्च दिशः सर्वाश्चक्रे तिमिरदुर्दिनाः Mb. (दुर्दिनायते Den. Ā. to become cloudy.)
    -दिवसः a dark or rainy day; Pt.1.173.
    -दुरूटः, -ढः 1 an unbeliever
    -2 an abusive word.
    -दृश a.
    1 disagreeable to the sight, disgusting; दुर्दृशं तत्र राक्षसं घोररूपमपश्यत्सः Mb.1.2.298.
    -2 difficult to be seen; पादचारमिवादित्यं निष्पतन्तं सुदुर्दृशम् Rām.7.33.5.
    -दृष्ट a. ill- judged or seen, wrongly decided; Y.2.35.
    -दैवम् ill-luck, misfortune.
    -द्यूतम् an unfair game.
    -द्रुमः onion (green).
    -धर a.
    1 irresistible, difficult to be stopped.
    -2 difficult to be borne or suffered; दुर्धरेण मदनेन साद्यते Ghat.11; Ms.7.28.
    -3 difficult to be accomplished.
    -4 difficult to be kept in memory. (
    -रः) quicksilver.
    -धर्ष a.
    1 inviolable, unassailable.
    -2 inaccessible; संयोजयति विद्यैव नीचगापि नरं सरित् । समुद्रमिव दुर्धर्षं नृपं भाग्य- मतः परम् ॥ H. Pr.5.
    -3 fearful, dreadful.
    -4 haughty.
    -धी a. stupid, silly.
    -नयः 1 arrogance.
    -2 immorality.
    -3 evil strategy; उन्मूलयितुमीशो$हं त्रिवर्गमिव दुर्नयः Mu.5.22.
    -नामकः piles. ˚अरिः a kind of bulbous root (Mar. सुरण).
    -नामन् m. f. a cockle. (-n.) piles.
    -निग्रह a. irre- pressible, unruly; मनो दुर्निग्रहं चलम् Bg.6.35.
    -निमित a. carelessly put or placed on the ground; पदे पदे दुर्निमिते गलन्ती R.7.1.
    -निमित्तम् 1 a bad omen; R.14.5.
    -2 a bad pretext.
    -निवार, -निवार्य a. difficult to be check- ed or warded off, irresistible, invincible.
    -नीतम् 1 mis- conduct, bad policy, demerit, misbehaviour; दुर्णीतं किमि- हास्ति Pt.2.21; H.1.49.
    -2 ill-luck.
    -नीतिः f. mal- administration; दुर्नीतिं तव वीक्ष्य कोपदहनज्वालाजटालो$पि सन्; Bv.4.36.
    -नृपः a bad king; आसीत् पितृकुलं तस्य भक्ष्यं दुर्नृप- रक्षसः Rāj. T.5.417.
    -न्यस्त a. badly arranged; दुर्न्यस्त- पुष्परचितो$पि Māl.9.44.
    -बल a.
    1 weak, feeble.
    -2 enfeebled, spiritless; दुर्बलान्यङ्गकानि U.1.24.
    -3 thin, lean, emaciated; U.3.
    -4 small, scanty, little; स्वार्थोप- पत्तिं प्रति दुर्बलाशः R.5.12.
    -बाध a. Unrestrained (अनिवार); दुर्बाधो जनिदिवसान्मम प्रवृद्धः (आधिः); Mv.6.28.
    -बाल a.
    1 bald-headed.
    -2 void of prepuce.
    -3 having crook- ed hair.
    -बुद्धि a.
    1 silly, foolish, stupid.
    -2 perverse, evil-minded, wicked; धार्तराष्ट्रस्य दुर्बुद्धेर्युद्धे प्रियचिकीर्षवः (समा- गताः) Bg.1.23
    -बुध a. wicked-minded, silly; Mb. 11.4.18.
    -बोध a. unintelligible, unfathomable, inscru- table; निसर्गदुर्बोधमबोधविक्लवाः क्व भूपतीनां चरितं क्व जन्तवः Ki. 1.6.
    -भग a.
    1 unfortunate, unlucky; श्रीवल्लभं दुर्भगाः (निन्दन्ति) Pt.1.415.
    -2 not possessed of good features, ill-looking.
    -भगा 1 a wife disliked by her husband; दुर्भगाभरणप्रायो ज्ञानं भारः क्रियां विना H.1.17.
    -2 an ill-tempered woman, a shrew.
    -3 a widow;
    -भर a. insupportable, burdensome, heavily laden with (comp.); ततो राजाब्रवीदेतं बहुव्यसनदुर्भरः Ks.112.156.
    -भाग्य a. unfortunate, unlucky. (
    ग्यम्) ill-luck.
    -भावना 1 an evil thought.
    -2 a bad tendency.
    -भिक्षम् 1 scarcity of provisions, dearth, famine; Y.2.147; Ms.8.22; उत्सवे व्यसने चैव दुर्भिक्षे... यस्तिष्ठति स बान्धवः H.1.71; Pt.2.
    -2 want in general.
    -भिद, -भेद, -भेद्य a. firm; सुजनस्तु कनकघटवद् दुर्भेद्यश्चाशु संध्येयः Subhāṣ.
    -भृत्यः a bad servant.
    -भिषज्यम् incurability; Bṛi. Up.4.3.14.
    -भ्रातृ m. a bad brother.
    -मङ्कु a. obstinate, disobedient.
    -मति a.
    1 silly, stupid, foolish, ignorant.
    -2 wicked, evilminded; न सांपरायिकं तस्य दुर्मतेर्विद्यते फलम् Ms.11.3.
    -मद a. drun- ken, ferocious, maddened, infatuated; Bhāg.1.15.7.
    -दः foolish pride, arrogance.
    -दम् the generative organ; ग्रामकं नाम विषयं दुर्मदेन समन्वितः Bhāg.4.25.52.
    -मनस् a. troubled in mind, discouraged, disspirited, sad, malancholy; अद्य बार्हस्पतः श्रीमान् युक्तः पुष्येण राघवः । प्रोच्यतै ब्राह्मणैः प्राज्ञैः केन त्वमसि दुर्मनाः ॥ Rām. [दुर्मनायते Den. Ā. to be troubled in mind, be sad, meditate sorrowfully, to be disconso- late, become vexed or fretted; Māl.3].
    -मनुष्यः a bad or wicked man.
    -मन्त्रः, -मन्त्रितम्, -मन्त्रणा evil advice, bad counsel; दुर्मन्त्रान्नृपतिर्विनश्यति; Pt.1.169.
    -मरम् a hard or difficult death; Mb.14.61.9.
    -मरी a kind of दूर्वा grass.
    -मरणम् violent or unnatural death.
    -मर्ष a.
    1 unbearable; Bhāg.6.5.42.
    -2 obstinate, hostile.
    -मर्षणः N. of Viṣṇu.
    -मर्षित a. provocated, encouraged; एवं दुर्मर्षितो राजा स मात्रा बभ्रुवाहनः Mb.14. 79.13,
    -मर्याद a. immodest, wicked.
    -मल्लिका, -मल्ली a minor drama, comedy, farce; S. D.553.
    -मित्रः 1 a bad friend.
    -2 an enemy.
    -मुख a.
    1 having a bad face, hideous, ugly; Bh.1.9.
    -2 foul-mouthed, abusive, scurrilous; Bh.2.69.
    (-खः) 1 a horse.
    -2 N. of Śiva.
    -3 N. of a serpent king (Nm.)
    -4 N. of a monkey (Nm.)
    -5 N. of a year (29th year out of 6 years cycle).
    -मूल्य a. highly priced, dear.
    -मेधस् a. silly, foolish, dull-headed, dull; Pt.1. (-m.) a dunce, dull-headed man, blockhead; ग्रन्थानधीत्य व्याकर्तु- मिति दुर्मेधसो$प्यलम् Śi.2.26.
    -मैत्र a. unfriendly, hostile; Bhāg.7.5.27.
    -यशस् n. ill-repute, dishonour.
    -योगः 1 bad or clumsy contrivance.
    -2 a bad combi- nation.
    -योध, -योधन a. invincible, unconquerable. (
    -नः) the eldest of the 11 sons of Dhṛitarāṣṭra and Gāndhārī. [From his early years he conceived a deep hatred for his cousins the Pāṇḍavas, but particularly Bhīma, and made every effort he could to compass their destruction. When his father pro- posed to make Yudhiṣṭhira heir-apparent, Duryodhana did not like the idea, as his father was the reigning sovereign, and prevailed upon his blind father to send the Pāṇḍavas away into exile. Vāraṇāvata was fixed upon as their abode, and under pretext of constructing a palatial building for their residence, Duryodhana caused a palace to be built mostly of lac, resin and other combustible materials, thereby hoping to see them all destroyed when they should enter it. But the Paṇḍavas were forewarned and they safely escaped. They then lived at Indraprastha, and Yudhiṣṭhira performed the Rājasuya sacrifice with great pomp and splendour. This event further excited the anger and jealousy of Duryodhana, who was already vexed to find that his plot for burning them up had signally failed, and he induced his father to invite the Pāṇḍavas to Hastināpura to play with dice (of which Yudhiṣṭhira was particularly fond). In that gambling-match, Duryodhana, who was ably assisted by his maternal uncle Śakuni, won from Yudhiṣṭhira everything that he staked, till the infatuated gambler staked himself, his brothers, and Draupadī herself, all of whom shared the same fate. Yudhiṣṭhira, as a condition of the wager, was forced to go to the forest with his wife and brothers, and to remain there for twelve years and to pass one addi- tional year incognito. But even this period, long as it was, expired, and after their return from exile both the Pāṇḍavas and Kauravas made great preparations for the inevitable struggle and the great Bhāratī war commenced. It lasted for eighteen days during which all the Kauravas, with most of their allies, were slain. It was on the last day of the war that Bhīma fought a duel with Duryodhana and smashed his thigh with his club.] मोघं तवेदं भुवि नामधेयं दुर्योधनेतीह कृतं पुरस्तात् न हीह दुर्योधनता तवास्ति पलायमानस्य रणं विहाय Mb.4.65.17.
    -योनि a. of a low birth, न कथंचन दुर्योनिः प्रकृतिं स्वां नियच्छति Ms.1.59.
    -लक्ष्य a. difficult to be seen or perceived, hardly visible.
    -क्ष्यम् bad aim; मनः प्रकृत्यैव चलं दुर्लक्ष्यं च तथापि मे Ratn.3.2.
    -लभ a.
    1 difficult to be attained, or accomplished; R.1.67;17.7; Ku.4.4;5.46,61; दुर्लभं भारते जन्म मानुष्यं तत्र दुर्लभम् Subhāṣ.
    -2 difficult to be found or met with, scarce, rare; शुद्धान्तदुर्लभम् Ś.1.17.
    -3 best, excellent, eminent.
    -ग्रामः a village situated close to a large village and inhabited by the free-holders (अग्र- हारोपजीविनः); Māna.1.79-8.
    -4 dear, beloved.
    -5 costly.
    -ललित a.
    1 spoilt by fondling, fondled too much, hard to please; हा मदङ्कदुर्ललित Ve.4; V.2.8; Māl.9.
    -2 (hence) wayward, naughty, illbred, unruly; स्पृहयामि खलु दुर्ललितायास्मै Ś.7. (
    -तम्) waywardness, rudeness.
    -लेख्यम् a forged document. Y.2.91.
    -वच a.
    1 difficult to be described, indescribable. अपि वागधिपस्य दुर्वचं वचनं तद् विदधीत विस्मयम् Ki.2.2.
    -2 not to be talked about.
    -3 speaking improperly, abusing. (
    -चम्) abuse, censure, foul language.
    -वचस् n. abuse, censure; असह्यं दुर्वचो ज्ञातेर्मेघा- न्तरितरौद्रवत् Udb.
    -वर्ण a. bad-coloured.
    -र्णः 1 bad colour.
    -2 impurity; यथा हेम्नि स्थितो वह्निर्दुवर्णं हन्ति धातु- जम् Bhāg.12.3.47.
    (-र्णम्) 1 silver. दुर्वर्णभित्तिरिह सान्द्रसुधासुवर्णा Śi.4.28.
    -2 a kind of leprosy.
    -वस a. difficult to be resided in.
    -वसतिः f. painful residence; R.8.94.
    -वह a. heavy, difficult to be borne; दुर्वहगर्भखिन्नसीता U.2.1; Ku.1.11.
    -वाच् a. speaking ill. (-f.)
    1 evil words, abuse.
    -2 inelegant language or speech.
    -वाच्य a.
    1 difficult to be spoken or uttered.
    -2 abusive, scurrilous.
    -3 harsh, cruel (as words).
    (-च्यम्) 1 censure, abuse.
    -2 scandal, ill-repute.
    -वातः a fart. ˚वातय Den. P. to break wind or fart; इत्येके विहसन्त्येनमेके दुर्वातयन्ति च Bhāg.11.23.4.
    -वादः slander, defamation, calumny.
    -वार, -वारण a. irresistible, unbearable; R.14.87; किं चायमरिदुर्वारः पाणौ पाशः प्रचेतसः Ku.2.21.
    -वासना 1 evil propensity, wicked desire; कः शत्रुर्वद खेददानकुशलो दुर्वासनासंचयः Bv. 1.86.
    -2 a chimera.
    -वासस् a.
    1 ill-dressed.
    -2 naked. (-m.) N. of a very irascible saint or Ṛiṣi, son of Atri and Anasūyā. (He was very hard to please, and he cursed many a male and female to suffer misery and degradation. His anger, like that of Jama- dagni, has become almost proverbial.)
    -वाहितम् a heavy burden; उरोजपूर्णकुम्भाङ्का सदुर्वाहितविभ्रमा Rāj. T.4.18.
    -विगाह, -विगाह्य a. difficult to be penetrated or fathomed, unfathomable.
    -विचिन्त्य inconcei- vable, inscrutable
    -विद a. difficult to be known or discovered; नूनं गतिः कृतान्तस्य प्राज्ञैरपि सुदुर्विदा Mb.7.78. 2.
    -विदग्ध 1 unskilled, raw, foolish, stupid, silly.
    -2 wholly ignorant.
    -3 foolishly puffed up, elated. vainly proud; वृथाशस्त्रग्रहणदुर्विदग्ध Ve.3; ज्ञानलवदुर्विदग्धं ब्रह्मापि नरं न रञ्जयति Bh.2.3.
    -विद्ध a. Badly perforated (a pearl); Kau. A.2.11.
    -विद्य a. uneducated; Rāj. T.1.354.
    -विध a.
    1 mean, base, low.
    -2 wicked, vile.
    -3 poor, indigent; विदधाते रुचिगर्वदुर्विधम् N.2.23.
    -4 stupid, foolish, silly; विविनक्ति न बुद्धिदुर्विधः Śi.16.39.
    -विनयः misconduct, imprudence.
    -विनीत a.
    1 (a) badly educated, ill-mannered; ill-behaved, wicked; शासितरि दुर्विनीतानाम् Ś.1.24. (b) rude, naughty, mis- chievous.
    -2 stubborn, obstinate.
    (-तः) 1 a restive or untrained horse.
    -2 a wayward person, reprobate.
    -विपाक a. producing bad fruit; श्रितासि चन्दनभ्रान्त्या दुर्विपाकं विषद्रुमम् U.1.46.
    (-कः) 1 bad result or conse- quence; U.1.4; किं नो विधिरिह वचने$प्यक्षमो दुर्विपाकः Mv. 6.7.
    -2 evil consequences of acts done either in this or in a former birth.
    -विभाव्य a. inconceivable; also दुर्विभाव; असद्वृत्तेरहो वृत्तं दुर्विभावं विधेरिव Ki.11.56.
    -विमर्श a. difficult to be tried or examined; यो दुर्विमर्शपथया निजमाययेदं सृष्ट्वा गुणान्विभजते तदनुप्रविष्टः Bhāg.1.49.29.
    -विलसितम् a wayward act, rudeness, naughtiness; डिम्भस्य दुर्विलसितानि मुदे गुरूणाम् B. R.4.6.
    -विलासः a bad or evil turn of fate; U.1.
    -विवाहः a censurable marriage; इतरेषु तु शिष्टेषु नृशंसानृतवादिनः । जायन्ते दुर्विवाहेषु ब्रह्मधर्मद्विषः सुताः ॥ Ms.3.41.
    -विष a. ill-natured, malignant. (
    -षः) N. of Śiva.
    -विषह a. unbearable, intolerable, irresistible. (
    -हः) N. of Śiva.
    -वृत्त a.
    1 vile, wicked, ill-behaved.
    -2 roguish. (
    -त्तम्) misconduct, ill-behaviour. दुर्वृत्तवृत्तशमनं तव देवि शीलम् Devīmāhātmya.
    -वृत्तिः f.
    1 misconduct.
    -2 misery, want, distress.
    -3 fraud.
    -वृष्टिः f. insufficient rain, drought.
    -वेद a. difficult to be known or ascertained.
    -व्यवहारः a wrong judgment in law.
    -व्यवहृतिः f. ill-report or rumour.
    -व्यसनम् 1 a fond pursuit or resolve; Mu.3.
    -2 bad propensity, vice; तेन दुर्व्यसनेनासीद्भोजने$पि कदर्थना Ks.73.73.
    -व्रत a. not conforming to rules, disobedient.
    -हुतम् a badly offered sacrifice.
    -हृद् a. wicked-hearted, ill-disposed, inimical; अकुर्वतोर्वां शुश्रूषां क्लिष्टयोर्दुर्हृदा भृशम् Bhāg.1.45.9. (-m.) an enemy.
    -हृदय a. evil-minded, evil-intention- ed, wicked.
    -हृषीक a. having defective organs of sense.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > दुर् _dur

  • 20 beleidigend

    I Part. Präs. beleidigen
    II Adj. offensive; grob: insulting; JUR. slanderous; schriftlich: libel(l)ous; beleidigend werden become ( oder get) abusive, start insulting s.o.
    * * *
    injurious; offensive; contumelious; abusive; scathing
    * * *
    1) (using insulting language: He wrote an abusive letter to the manager.) abusive
    2) (contemptuous or offensive: insulting words.) insulting
    * * *
    I. adj insulting, offensive
    II. adv insultingly, offensively
    sich akk \beleidigend ausdrücken to use offensive language
    * * *
    A. ppr beleidigen
    B. adj offensive; grob: insulting; JUR slanderous; schriftlich: libel(l)ous;
    beleidigend werden become ( oder get) abusive, start insulting sb
    * * *
    abusive adj.
    offending adj.
    scathing adj.
    slighting adj. adv.
    abusively adv.
    offensively adv.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > beleidigend

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